Thursday, April 8, 2010

The backyard - final touches

OK, so we fast forward. My hands were sticky with the stain so I did not take any pictures of the cutting and nailing to the wall. It was about a 10 day process to nail theboards up since I had to cut and reseal each one of the boards.

Here you see the planter getting ready. This is bath tub linning. We are planting Horsetail Reed which spreads under anything. The linning is to keep the horestail in the planter with out spreading to the rest of the yard.

Here is the ship lap profile that I gave to each one of the boards. I did a special rig to a standard table saw and ran the boards. I could not find a lumber yard that would do this for a reasonable price. This profile provides a better seal from the outside air to the walls.

So here it is. It is hard to see the newly planted plants but trust me, they will grow to about 3 ft tall.

Another shot...

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  1. Good work brother! Now just wait untill I get my home then I can take the pictures while you help me remodel it!!!

  2. I like the work. I'm thinking of doing the same thing.

  3. On the Live Modern site I read that you used electroplated (not hot dipped) nails to attach the boards. How are they holding up? The Western Red Cedar Lumber Association recommends using stainless steel or aluminum fasteners. I am trying to figure out if this is overkill. Thanks!
